Search results: Mobile Home Foreclosure information
Articles on Mobile Home Foreclosure from how to stop foreclosure information archive:
Get Free Foreclosure Advice In Minutes
Get your free on-line foreclosure refinance quote and foreclosure help in minutes. Explore your options and compare ways to prevent foreclosure... more...
Finding a Good Mobile Home Foreclosure
Mobile home foreclosures are some of the easiest foreclosures to avoid since most banks and lending institutions are stuck with the mobile home. If you're an investor you can find some very nice deals with a mobile home foreclosure. This article will look at some of the mobile home foreclosure ...
Mobile Home Foreclosure - Tips and Tactics
Dealing with a mobile home foreclosure may be much different than a normal property. Mobile homes do not have the same value as a normal stick built home thus a foreclosure may be remedied much easier with a mobile home. This article will look at some ways it you can avoid a mobile home foreclosure ...
Mobile Home Foreclosure
Mobile home foreclosures are not a regular occurrence due to the fact that most mobile home loans are made through private lenders, when a person defaults on the loan, the home will be repossessed as if it were a car. Then the owner has about 30 days depending on the terms of their agreement to ...
Saving Yourself From Mobile Home Foreclosure
Foreclosures are an ever increasing epidemic in the US today. Mobile homes are often categorized with lower income families and will often times be abandoned much more frequently than regular homes. The paperwork and procedure for a lending or mortgage company on a mobile home foreclosure is very ...
Drive It To The Bank On Mobile Home Foreclosure Listing
Probably most everyone has dreamed of owning a home. You may have looked through many blue prints, or pictures, and even visited open houses just to get ideas or hopeful leads for your very own home. A mobile home foreclosure listing can be a good investment. If you are looking to buy a home and ...
The Latest Findings On Mobile Home Foreclosures
Have you ever just taken a tour through a mobile home lot. You can go into any home on the lot and just look and dream. They come equipped on the lot with just about anything you could ever want. This may be one of the reasons there are so many mobile home foreclosures on the market today. When you ...
A Mobile Home Foreclosure Is Easier to Negotiate
If you own a mobile home that is going into foreclosure then you may be able to save it easier than you think. The main reason for saving a home from the banks repossession is if you own the land too. If the home is in a rented park setting then you may want to think twice about saving the mobile ...
Lost And Found Mobile Home Foreclosure
If you have ever lost a mobile home to a foreclosure, you will know how heart breaking it can be. You may have done everything in your power to try and keep the home, but no matter what you did, nothing worked out and the inevitable happened. You lost your home. Mobile home foreclosure is a common ...
Repossessed Mobile Homes - A Guide to Finding Mobile Homes in Foreclosure
Sadly not everyone who buys a mobile home can afford it. When they figure out how much they can afford in monthly home payments, they may forget to calculate in lot fees, utilities, taxes and the like. Plus, since many mobile home buyers arrange for their financing through the mobile home ...
Mobile Home Foreclosure is Different
A mobile home foreclosure is one that can be easy to escape if you know a few simple steps to follow. First of all; a mobile home is viewed much differently than a regular home in that it is usually more difficult for a lender to sell off a mobile home. This is to your advantage as you may be able ...